• Kit émetteur-récepteur sans fil avec divers réglages des flashes à distance.   Compatible avec les systèmes Witstro, QT, GS, QS, GT etc...

    64,00 € 69,00 €
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    In Stock
  • Récepteur supplémentaire pour système sans fil FT-16   Compatible avec les systèmes Witstro, QT, GS, QS, GT etc...

    24,80 €
    This product will be available later
  • Kit flash portatif est composé d'une tête de flash (avec monture type Bowens), d'une batterie externe et d'un transmetteur FT-16 permettant le réglage de la puissance à distance sans fil. Avec une capacité de 8000mAh, la batterie offre jusqu'à 650 éclairs à pleine puissance.  Puissance max: 400W NG : 52  Temps de recharge à pleine puissance : 1.8s

    549,00 € 599,00 €
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    Out of stock
  • Identique au Godox Witstro AD360TTL   Flash hyper puissant qui vous rendra les meilleurs services en intérieur mais surtout en déplacement. Léger et portable, il vous apportera une source de lumière importante idéale pour les portraits d'entreprise, mariage, studio mobile, etc...   Flash torche compatible i-TTL Nikon (avec les déclencheurs X en

    548,85 € 748,85 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Identique au Godox Witstro AD360TTL   Flash hyper puissant qui vous rendra les meilleurs services en intérieur mais surtout en déplacement. Léger et portable, il vous apportera une source de lumière importante idéale pour les portraits d'entreprise, mariage, studio mobile, etc...   Flash torche compatible E-TTL Canon (avec les déclencheurs X en

    548,81 € 748,81 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Stroboss 60 is a classic, compact reporter speedlite with the guide number of 60 m and an integrated Navigator X radio control system. The flash may work with Canon E-TTL and Nikon i-TTL* automatic flash metering systems. As a result, it can be easily used in automatic and semi-automatic shooting modes. Moreover, it allows for fully manual control over the

    158,85 € 178,85 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Stroboss 60 is a classic, compact reporter speedlite with the guide number of 60 m and an integrated Navigator X radio control system. The flash may work with Canon E-TTL and Nikon i-TTL* automatic flash metering systems. As a result, it can be easily used in automatic and semi-automatic shooting modes. Moreover, it allows for fully manual control over the

    158,81 € 178,81 €
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    This product will be available later
  • - Twee flitskoppen; barebulb en speedlight- Hoge lichtopbrengst van 200Ws- Licht en compact ontwerp- Godox 2.4G Wireless X System- Hoge capaciteit lithium-ion accu van 2900mAh- Tot 500 keer flitsen op vol vermogen- Wireless en optische slave functie- High Speed Sync tot 1/8000s- Barebulb flitskop- Speedlight flitskop- Accu- Oplader- Opbergtas- Bracket basis

    298,93 € 398,93 €
    Out of stock
  • Système de radio sans fil 2.4GHz X intégréeCompatible avec Canon E-TTL / E-TTL IINuméro de guide: 36Plage de zoom: 24-105mm (14mm avec panneau)Incline de -7 à 90 °Rotation 270 °Fonctionnalité TTL maître / esclave sans filTemps de recyclage: 0,1-2,2 secondesSynchronisation à grande vitesse, 1ère et 2ème rideauxFonctionne sur deux piles AA

    98,90 € 128,90 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Système de radio sans fil 2.4GHz X intégréeCompatible avec Nikon i-TTL / i-TTL IINuméro de guide: 36Plage de zoom: 24-105mm (14mm avec panneau)Incline de -7 à 90 °Rotation 270 °Fonctionnalité TTL maître / esclave sans filTemps de recyclage: 0,1-2,2 secondesSynchronisation à grande vitesse, 1ère et 2ème rideauxFonctionne sur deux piles AA

    98,93 € 128,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Système de radio sans fil 2.4GHz X intégréeCompatible avec Sony ADI / P-TTLNuméro de guide: 36Plage de zoom: 24-105mm (14mm avec panneau)Incline de -7 à 90 °Rotation 270 °Fonctionnalité TTL maître / esclave sans filTemps de recyclage: 0,1-2,2 secondesSynchronisation à grande vitesse, 1ère et 2ème rideauxFonctionne sur deux piles AA

    98,90 € 128,90 €
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    In Stock
  • Système de radio sans fil 2.4GHz X intégréeCompatible avec Fujifilm TTLNuméro de guide: 36Plage de zoom: 24-105mm (14mm avec panneau)Incline de -7 à 90 °Rotation 270 °Fonctionnalité TTL maître / esclave sans filTemps de recyclage: 0,1-2,2 secondesSynchronisation à grande vitesse, 1ère et 2ème rideauxFonctionne sur deux piles AA

    98,90 € 128,90 €
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    In Stock
  • Système de radio sans fil 2.4GHz X intégréeCompatible avec Olympus/Panasonic TTLNuméro de guide: 36Plage de zoom: 24-105mm (14mm avec panneau)Incline de -7 à 90 °Rotation 270 °Fonctionnalité TTL maître / esclave sans filTemps de recyclage: 0,1-2,2 secondesSynchronisation à grande vitesse, 1ère et 2ème rideauxFonctionne sur deux piles AA

    98,90 € 128,90 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Alimenté par batterie Li-lon 2000 mAHNombre guide GN60, couverture de flash de 20 à 200 zoomCompatible avec le flash automatique E-TTL IITTL autoflash / flash manuel 1/8000s HSSFlash manuel - Contrôle de puissance 1/128 - 1/1 (paliers 1/3)Compensation d'exposition au flash/verrouillage/synchronisation 1er/2eme rideau/ flash de modélisationQuadralite

    218,81 € 258,81 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Alimenté par batterie Li-lon 2000 mAHNombre guide GN60, couverture de flash de 20 à 200 zoomCompatible avec le flash automatique i-TTL TTL autoflash / flash manuel 1/8000s HSSFlash manuel - Contrôle de puissance 1/128 - 1/1 (paliers 1/3)Compensation d'exposition au flash/verrouillage/synchronisation 1er/2eme rideau/ flash de modélisationQuadralite Navigator

    129,50 € 259,00 €
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    In Stock
  • Stroboss 60 is a classic, compact reporter speedlite with the guide number of 60 m and an integrated Navigator X radio control system. The flash may work with TTL automatic flash metering systems. As a result, it can be easily used in automatic and semi-automatic shooting modes. Moreover, it allows for fully manual control over the flash output and zoom.

    158,81 € 178,81 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Revolutionary all-in-one continuous LED light and HSS FlashNEO 2 is a revolutionary LED light, that combines the ‘shoot what you see’ benefits of continuous light, with the flexibility of High-Speed Sync (HSS) flash, for more power or to freeze action. With no recycle time, you’ll never miss a shot.

    329,00 € 409,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Revolutionary all-in-one continuous LED light and HSS FlashNEO 2 is a revolutionary LED light, that combines the ‘shoot what you see’ benefits of continuous light, with the flexibility of High-Speed Sync (HSS) flash, for more power or to freeze action. With no recycle time, you’ll never miss a shot.

    1 399,00 € 1 669,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Revolutionary all-in-one continuous LED light and HSS FlashNEO 2 is a revolutionary LED light, that combines the ‘shoot what you see’ benefits of continuous light, with the flexibility of High-Speed Sync (HSS) flash, for more power or to freeze action. With no recycle time, you’ll never miss a shot.

    999,00 € 1 449,00 €
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    In Stock
  • With advanced functions including high-speed sync, a built-in 2.4 GHz radio system, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery capable of 500 full power flashes, the compact V350 Flash from Godox is a valuable asset. With a lightweight design and guide number of 118' at ISO 100 and 105mm, the V350 is useful for both on-camera and off-camera operation. Users can

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacity

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacity

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • With advanced functions including high-speed sync, a built-in 2.4 GHz radio system, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery capable of 500 full power flashes, the compact V350 Flash from Godox is a valuable asset. With a lightweight design and guide number of 118' at ISO 100 and 105mm, the V350 is useful for both on-camera and off-camera operation. Users can

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    In Stock
  • With advanced functions including high-speed sync, a built-in 2.4 GHz radio system, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery capable of 500 full power flashes, the compact V350 Flash from Godox is a valuable asset. With a lightweight design and guide number of 118' at ISO 100 and 105mm, the V350 is useful for both on-camera and off-camera operation. Users can

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • With advanced functions including high-speed sync, a built-in 2.4 GHz radio system, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery capable of 500 full power flashes, the compact V350 Flash from Godox is a valuable asset. With a lightweight design and guide number of 118' at ISO 100 and 105mm, the V350 is useful for both on-camera and off-camera operation. Users can

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • With advanced functions including high-speed sync, a built-in 2.4 GHz radio system, and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery capable of 500 full power flashes, the compact V350 Flash from Godox is a valuable asset. With a lightweight design and guide number of 118' at ISO 100 and 105mm, the V350 is useful for both on-camera and off-camera operation. Users can

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacity

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacityThe price will be announced soon!

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    In Stock
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacityThe price will be announced soon!

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Built-In Wireless X System Receiver HSS: 1/8000 sec, Battery: 500 FP Flashes Optional X1 Wireless TTL Transmitter Supports Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Fujifilm Flash Exposure Compensation TTL, Manual, and Stroboscopic Modes Firmware USB Updates

    349,00 € 379,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Quadralite Stroboss 36 is a small and exceptionally light flash with guide number of 36m. It is perfectly tailored to fit mirrorless and compact cameras. It weighs a mere 200g, and is only 95mm high with its flash head directed to the front, mounted on a camera. Despite its small size, the flash head can be rotated within 270° in the horizontal plane and 97°

    88,93 € 98,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Li-Ion Battery, 480 Full Power Flashes7.2 V / 2600mAhThe VB26 Battery for V1 Flash Head from Godox is a lithium-ion rechargeable power source for the head. When the battery is fully charged, it is capable of outputting 480 full-power flashes.

    59,90 € 64,90 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Quadralite Stroboss 36 is a small and exceptionally light flash with guide number of 36m. It is perfectly tailored to fit mirrorless and compact cameras. It weighs a mere 200g, and is only 95mm high with its flash head directed to the front, mounted on a camera. Despite its small size, the flash head can be rotated within 270° in the horizontal plane and 97°

    88,93 € 98,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Quadralite Stroboss 36evo is the newest version of a very popular Stroboss 36 strobe. This pocket-size speedlite keeps all the assets Stroboss 36 had, additionally getting new power supply, which not only makes the flash more efficient, but also maintains short recycle time.

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Quadralite Stroboss 36evo is the newest version of a very popular Stroboss 36 strobe. This pocket-size speedlite keeps all the assets Stroboss 36 had, additionally getting new power supply, which not only makes the flash more efficient, but also maintains short recycle time.

    178,93 € 198,93 €
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    This product will be available later
  • The Profoto A10 has been upgraded with our new Bluetooth AirX technology. This allows you to wirelessly download new firmware for your A10 via the Profoto app. Even better, you can both capture and control the A10 using your smartphone. So from now on, you can unleash the full power of the A10, no matter which camera you use. This makes the Profoto A10 a

    1 069,00 € 1 075,00 €
    Reduced price!
    On order
  • The Profoto Off-Camera Kit is simplicity embodied. With Profoto Connect, a flash trigger without any button. This trigger, thanks to its ease of use, makes the beautiful and natural light of the Profoto A10 accessible to even more image makers. Switch to automatic mode so you only have to point and shoot, exposure is calculated the moment you press the

    1 169,00 € 1 175,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto Off-Camera Kit is simplicity embodied. With Profoto Connect, a flash trigger without any button. This trigger, thanks to its ease of use, makes the beautiful and natural light of the Profoto A10 accessible to even more image makers. Switch to automatic mode so you only have to point and shoot, exposure is calculated the moment you press the

    1 169,00 € 1 175,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto Off-Camera Kit is simplicity embodied. With Profoto Connect, a flash trigger without any button. This trigger, thanks to its ease of use, makes the beautiful and natural light of the Profoto A10 accessible to even more image makers. Switch to automatic mode so you only have to point and shoot, exposure is calculated the moment you press the

    1 169,00 € 1 175,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto Off-Camera Kit is simplicity embodied. With Profoto Connect, a flash trigger without any button. This trigger, thanks to its ease of use, makes the beautiful and natural light of the Profoto A10 accessible to even more image makers. Switch to automatic mode so you only have to point and shoot, exposure is calculated the moment you press the

    1 169,00 € 1 175,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto A10 has been upgraded with our new Bluetooth AirX technology. This allows you to wirelessly download new firmware for your A10 via the Profoto app. Even better, you can both capture and control the A10 using your smartphone. So from now on, you can unleash the full power of the A10, no matter which camera you use. This makes the Profoto A10 a

    1 069,00 € 1 075,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto A10 has been upgraded with our new Bluetooth AirX technology. This allows you to wirelessly download new firmware for your A10 via the Profoto app. Even better, you can both capture and control the A10 using your smartphone. So from now on, you can unleash the full power of the A10, no matter which camera you use. This makes the Profoto A10 a

    1 069,00 € 1 075,00 €
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    On order
  • The Profoto A10 has been upgraded with our new Bluetooth AirX technology. This allows you to wirelessly download new firmware for your A10 via the Profoto app. Even better, you can both capture and control the A10 using your smartphone. So from now on, you can unleash the full power of the A10, no matter which camera you use. This makes the Profoto A10 a

    1 069,00 € 1 075,00 €
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    On order
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    In Stock
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Power, speed, and integrated radio transmission make the Ving V860III TTL Li-Ion Flash Kit from Godox a hard-to-beat option for your cameras. Fully compatible with TTL systems, the Ving V860III supports many advanced functions and features.

    249,00 € 259,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • A powerful and effective lighting tool, this flash features a powerful guide number of 60 at ISO 100 with a zoom range of 20-200mm. The lamp is powered by 4 AA batteries.

    155,00 € 169,00 €
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    In Stock
  • A powerful and effective lighting tool, this flash features a powerful guide number of 60 at ISO 100 with a zoom range of 20-200mm. The lamp is powered by 4 AA batteries.

    155,00 € 169,00 €
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    In Stock
  • A powerful and effective lighting tool, this flash features a powerful guide number of 60 at ISO 100 with a zoom range of 20-200mm. The lamp is powered by 4 AA batteries.

    155,00 € 169,00 €
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    In Stock
  • A powerful and effective lighting tool, this flash features a powerful guide number of 60 at ISO 100 with a zoom range of 20-200mm. The lamp is powered by 4 AA batteries.

    155,00 € 169,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • A powerful and effective lighting tool, this flash features a powerful guide number of 60 at ISO 100 with a zoom range of 20-200mm. The lamp is powered by 4 AA batteries.

    155,00 € 169,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • Round frenelle head with zoom 28-105Adjust power to 1/256 with increments of 0.1 f-stopHeadlight indicator and constant AF illumination for the AF assistantNew simplified user interfaceRadio scanning function - to avoid interference with other devicesNew lithium battery with greater capacityThe price will be announced soon!

    249,00 € 299,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • The GODOX V100 is a TTL Flash of 100 WS with an adjustable power from 1/1 to 1/256. It supports synchronization with the global shutter (up to 1/80,000 s) and can produce series of 70 to 100 lightning with full power without overheating. With a 2.3-inch touch screen, a GODOX X integrated transmitter/receiver, a USB-C port and LED modeling light, it is

    395,00 € 419,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • The GODOX V100 is a TTL Flash of 100 WS with an adjustable power from 1/1 to 1/256. It supports synchronization with the global shutter (up to 1/80,000 s) and can produce series of 70 to 100 lightning with full power without overheating. With a 2.3-inch touch screen, a GODOX X integrated transmitter/receiver, a USB-C port and LED modeling light, it is

    395,00 € 419,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • The GODOX V100 is a TTL Flash of 100 WS with an adjustable power from 1/1 to 1/256. It supports synchronization with the global shutter (up to 1/80,000 s) and can produce series of 70 to 100 lightning with full power without overheating. With a 2.3-inch touch screen, a GODOX X integrated transmitter/receiver, a USB-C port and LED modeling light, it is

    395,00 € 419,00 €
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    In Stock
  • The GODOX V100 is a TTL Flash of 100 WS with an adjustable power from 1/1 to 1/256. It supports synchronization with the global shutter (up to 1/80,000 s) and can produce series of 70 to 100 lightning with full power without overheating. With a 2.3-inch touch screen, a GODOX X integrated transmitter/receiver, a USB-C port and LED modeling light, it is

    395,00 € 419,00 €
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    This product will be available later
  • The GODOX V100 is a TTL Flash of 100 WS with an adjustable power from 1/1 to 1/256. It supports synchronization with the global shutter (up to 1/80,000 s) and can produce series of 70 to 100 lightning with full power without overheating. With a 2.3-inch touch screen, a GODOX X integrated transmitter/receiver, a USB-C port and LED modeling light, it is

    395,00 € 419,00 €
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    This product will be available later
Showing 1 - 60 of 60 items